Thanks to
Midland Reporter Telegram for the picture. I didn't take my camera, as there were so many secret service men around, I didn't want to cause any trouble. (for once) This is a picture of the 41st President and Mrs. Bush, and Mrs. George W. Bush, in front of the Bush's home, on Ohio Street, Midland, Texas.
Let me go back to the beginning of the day.
We drove out to Midland to attend the festivities and to support our friends from Temple, Texas. His parents had sold the home, in 1950, to George H. W. Bush when our President, George W. was a small boy. We thought we would have fun, returning to my home town. Fun is just the beginning of what we had!
We stayed with a dear friend who was to be involved in the festivities also. What fun we were going to have. There was a luncheon at noon, and the dedication of the home at 1442 W. Ohio Street. As a child, albeit, a High Schooler, my parents built a home at 1600 W. Ohio Street. We lived there until my parents sold the home in 1955. We were neighbors to TWO future Presidents, and a Governor of Florida. My, we had a great neighborhood, and didn't know it! Or, maybe we did, but just not to the extent that later years would show. Boy, I sure let the neighborhood down!!!
Our friend got a call early Tuesday morning, saying that two family members at the table were not going to be able to come to Midland after all. The call, although sad for some, ended up being a wonderful door that opened for us. We were told that now, since we were at the table that was reserved and near the podium, a picture with the President and Mrs. Bush was part of the morning activities. Ohmigosh! Was that a treat, to stand next to, and visit with the 41st President of the United States. We were so happy, and so excited. What a treat.
We arrived at the Petroleum Club, signed in and went to a waiting room. Most of the people in the room (I say most, because we were there in spite of..) had been founders, or large contributors to the Bush Home. We stayed in the room for a short time, waiting for the President and his wife, Barbara, to arrive. 11:30 sharp...the line began to form, and the camera began clicking! We walked out of the room where we had been sequestered, and around the corner to a smaller room where your first sight was the President standing there, smiling, and greeting the party. There were 8 people, enjoying the moment. We had our picture taken (I think I was looking at the floor, we will see) and then had a moment to introduce ourselves. I had met George H. W. Bush back in 1968 or so after an API meeting. My daddy had been honored that day, and when we walked out the door, we saw Mr. Bush, and were introduced to him. I am sure he remembers it just that way!!!! At the time, my brother was Republican Chairman of Texas, and politicians were his business.
My turn, and I looked up and said
"How do you do, Mr. President". He smiled when I mentioned my daddy's name, and visited a moment. He remembered him, as they were both oil men. Then I met Mrs. Bush for the first time. That was short and sweet. They have to shake so many hands, and I am sure their faces get tired of the smiling!!!! Believe me, that was a wonderful surprise, to be able to meet with them, and the day was certainly starting out about as well as it could. How many days do you wake up, and have lunch with the President and family? I won't again, but Tuesday, was a wonderful day for us. Thank you .. Thank you, Sas.
The luncheon was so nice...I saw a lot of my old Midland friends. We saw Laura Bush at the next table, and the President at the next. I never did see Mrs. Bush. There were some nice talks about "the olden days"..and of course, great food. I marvel at the service, and how efficient they were. There must have been 100 Secret Service men and women around.
Our friend had a parking pass for the home dedication, and she was smart enough not to use the valet parking, as the lines were long, waiting to get their automobiles, and leave for the house. We walked about 2 blocks to our car, passing the limo that was carrying the President's party to the Ohio Street home. The dedication was really nice, as there must have been 2oo people behind a baracade waving American flags, and yelling "We love you, Mr. President"..how nice is that? Midland is proud that these wonderful people lived there, raised their children there, and are a part of "us".
We toured the home after the limo left, carrying the President's party to the airport. Our friend, who used to live in that very home, and his wife were there and he went into his old bedroom (which was our current President's bedroom also) and stood there beside a very small built-in bed. Our friend is well over 6' tall, and I asked him if he really fit that tiny bed!!!??? He mentioned "George had more toys than I did".. too funny!!! Of course, he did!!!!
So after our wonderful day, we ended it by going to dinner with my old neighbor. Always so nice to see your old pals, and people you will love until you die. We had a few years that we didn't see one another, but I always thought about her, and now, we are in touch by EMAIL and telephone!!! Beats the heck out of letter-writing!!!! We went out to see her "maw"...who will be 100 years old in October. We will head back to the old stomping grounds then, and help one of our few parents living, celebrate a very special event.
I always like to go out and visit with her, as she represents a time long ago, and almost far away. She has some interesting memories of my childhood. I always thought older people were suppose to be forgetful!
We drove home to Austin, yesterday. Talking about, and reliving the day before. I am weary but still so happy and excited. I am going to get my pen out, and write the one responsible for the table and the wonderful day , telling how special,
oh so special that day was.
As my mother used to say
"it's back to the laundry lizzy"..