Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh What A Beautiful Morning

You would never know today was a February day. 86 degrees in Austin today. Wow! I guess tomorrow will bring us back to February thinking. It won't be as nice, and we will have to wait a few days to get back to 70's.

We are getting ready to go to Oklahoma City. I have been to Oklahoma one other time in my life, when we went to Gene Autry, OK to see the museum about 2 years ago. It was a fun trip, and of course, to see good old Gene Autry things was fun. I got a crazy urge to record all his movies and all the Gene Autry Shows. I have done them all. 93 movies, and 91 Gene Autry Show. Our guest bedroom looks like a Gene Autry museum of DVDs. Oh thank heaven for The Western Channel on DirecTV. Speaking of...we got our HD receivers, and are watching great tv lately. Sports will be the best. Texas Basketball is awesome, I can only imagine what football will be.

Sure proud of my Grandsons. One will be in Qatar for 8 months or so, and the other is a Medic in Afghanistan. He will come to Texas in spring of 2009 to study to be a nurse in San Antonio. Then will be stationed right across the street from his brother. You could not get that even if you begged! My medic grandson is going to stay in the Army another 4 years. By then, it will be easier to just retire as an Army Nurse. I bet he wants to be a Dr. before it is over! The retirement from service is pretty good, and he will be 39 years old. He was 19 when he entered right after 2001 Trade Center bombings. God love him!

Well, we saw the first baseball game at Disch Falk Field this weekend. The new stadium is awesome. Looks like a ballpark for sure! Dark green seats, and paint on the walls and it all looks wonderful. There are about 25 (I am guessing, but there are a lot) boxes above the last row of seats, and a new net in front of homeplate poles. Yipee!

I don't know, but I think Texas has about as good facilities as anyone in the country. Our football field is a project that will never end. We have begged for baseball to be updated. FINALLY...

I am sure I will write again soon, so I am out of here! bye bye...

Sunday, February 03, 2008


Here it is, Super Bowl Sunday. That means, the end of a season except for a few more "reward" games. I love football. I am sad when the season is over, but, BASEBALL at UT is coming up soon. We have a late start this year, a new stadium and lots of hope. Several of our good players from last year weren't drafted as high as they wanted, and decided to return to us. I am so glad as we have a chance to go to Omaha.

Weather is wonderful. 70's for past 4 days. More to come.

I have absolutely nothing to say except more news later.