Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I have spoken to several people about perhaps writing their experience with RITA.  If you click on COMMENTS below, you can write as much as your fingers will allow!  I know I would like to hear what happened to you.  Go ahead, it’s your subject!

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Rita is gone.  Or is she?  She has left behind a MESS.  I have not heard for sure how our place came through all the wind and rain, but have heard from several people about their problems and observations.

First, to Baton Rouge.  They had power outages, and wind and rain.  There were tornado warnings, and some scary times for people who just went through all that with Katrina. This has been such an active year for hurricanes, and it seems more have landed (3) than any years I can remember.  Maybe we won’t be the target for a few years.

I am amazed at the destruction in Beaumont.  I knew it might flood, but what a mess.  Port Arthur is a mess.  A family member was to have a reunion there next week.  I think that is going to be called off…but maybe if they reschedule it, a lot more classmates will come, just to see how their city is doing.  Our friends in Lake Jackson, TX  left, and are already back home.  They said they traveled the back roads, and stayed off the main highways.

Wasn’t that a horror sight, seeing all the cars leaving Houston area?  Ohmigosh…they said it was horrible!  Of course it was.  Going 2 miles in 8 hours.  I think a bicycle could have made it quicker.  At least everyone went to safer parts of Texas, and that was good. Our friends at the Beach came to Austin, to be with family.  They had a longer trip than usual, but luckily, they were ahead of the snail paced evacuation that came later.

I think we learned a lot from the first storm.  Texas did a good job of getting help to people, and getting things done.  There are probably those that will complain about what went on, but all in all, things were done better this second time around, and God forbid, if there is a third time, it will go even better.

To all of those who have suffered from these storms, our prayers and wishes go to you.  Let’s all be happy that most of the people will live to fight another day!  

We will probably head to the beach next weekend to see what happened down our way.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


We sold this home last summer. It is right on the beach, and probably will have some problems come tomorrow. When Frances, a tropical storm, came a courtin' about 6 years ago, there weren't any dunes left, and the high tides, not the wind, were to blame. It is mind-boggling to think about. I think I am getting a little nervous today.

If you look closely, you will see a porthole on the right, and and a cross on the left. When we built this home we thought maybe the cross would somehow protect the home. What you cannot see, on the back wall, a large U T made of glass bricks. This was to honor our favorite school. University of Texas, Austin. This was a neat home, and used primarily for rental. I wonder if it will be there Saturday afternoon?

When you read about all the horrors of New Orleans, and Mississippi/Alabama areas from that "OTHER STORM", you think about your home and wonder when it might happen to you. we are. Wondering no more. Take a deep breath, we are gonna get ours. 100+ years ago, Galveston had an historic hurricane. That is the storm they talk about when "bad storms" are mentioned. Galveston is a ghost town today, thank goodness people were smart enough to evacuate the Island.

We didn't wish the storm on New Orleans, but we were mighty glad it didn't hit us. Now, we have to endure our Katrina, in the form of Rita. Why are these ladies so strong, and hurtful? We can get a man on the moon, surely we could blow up a storm to disburse the strength, and make it go away couldn't we? Let's work on that.

Maybe we will get a call on Monday or Tuesday telling us all is well on Bolivar Peninsula. One can only dream, at this point. God Bless us all.
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I have just downloaded Blogger to my Microsoft Word program.  

I am testing it out with this post.    I am going to see if color will print.  This will be fun.  This will be a lot easier than posting through the other method.  Perhaps it will help my writing, also!  

OK…Let’s see.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Here we go again. RITA is closing in on our beautiful Texas coast. I am writing this on Wednesday, and the storm is supposed to hit Galveston on Saturday morning. There are so many people leaving the area...wasn't it just 3 weeks ago that New Orleans residents came to Texas to be safe? Now, I guess they are having to pack up again, and go "somewhere else"...

Life can be interesting, can't it? My thoughts would have been on my "things" 20 years ago. Perhaps things are nice..but most of the things we have were bought. Some are family memories, but most were bought. I have thoughts of life, now. I hope everyone in harms way gets to a safe place, to weather out this storm. On Sunday or Monday, we may not have homes in that area, any more. Ok, that, is sad enough, but what if you lost a friend in the storm? How do you replace a life? You can't.

So, as this storm bears down on our Beach, and is strengthening as I type, I have a calmness about all of this. Mainly, there is nothing we can do about Mother Nature's choices. We can board up our windows, but if there aren't any houses or windows left, what good would that do? We have to pray that EVERYONE gets away, and that the storm blows itself up somewhere where no one lives.

Sure... that won't happen just because we wish it. Let's hope something good comes from this storm. That's all we can do right now, just HOPEPosted by Picasa

Thursday, September 15, 2005


I haven't posted to my blog since all the activity surrounding the hurricane that hit Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. That was about as bad as it gets. The warmth that everyone has displayed for the people who had to relocate to Texas and other states has been just wonderful.

So typical of Texas people. (I cannot speak for other states who helped)

We were called FRIENDLY from the time the Indians roamed our plains and hill country. I have nothing to add to this except I hope this is a new beginning for everyone. Perhaps those that were stuck in a "way of life" can burst into a wonderful new life in Texas, as a beginning, and then carry that new enthusiasm back to their cities and home state.

I believe this will be the "good" that comes from something so horrible. You just cannot describe the situation, unless you are there, seeing it and smelling it.

God Bless all the people who are involved, with rescuing and volunteers everywhere. Thank you...thank you...thank you. God help those who lost so much. I hope we can also help you in some way, to begin again. Posted by Picasa