We sold this home last summer. It is right on the beach, and probably will have some problems come tomorrow. When Frances, a tropical storm, came a courtin' about 6 years ago, there weren't any dunes left, and the high tides, not the wind, were to blame. It is mind-boggling to think about. I think I am getting a little nervous today.
If you look closely, you will see a porthole on the right, and and a cross on the left. When we built this home we thought maybe the cross would somehow protect the home. What you cannot see, on the back wall, a large U T made of glass bricks. This was to honor our favorite school. University of Texas, Austin. This was a neat home, and used primarily for rental. I wonder if it will be there Saturday afternoon?
When you read about all the horrors of New Orleans, and Mississippi/Alabama areas from that "OTHER STORM", you think about your home and wonder when it might happen to you. we are. Wondering no more. Take a deep breath, we are gonna get ours. 100+ years ago, Galveston had an historic hurricane. That is the storm they talk about when "bad storms" are mentioned. Galveston is a ghost town today, thank goodness people were smart enough to evacuate the Island.
We didn't wish the storm on New Orleans, but we were mighty glad it didn't hit us. Now, we have to endure our Katrina, in the form of Rita. Why are these ladies so strong, and hurtful? We can get a man on the moon, surely we could blow up a storm to disburse the strength, and make it go away couldn't we? Let's work on that.
Maybe we will get a call on Monday or Tuesday telling us all is well on Bolivar Peninsula. One can only dream, at this point. God Bless us all.

Looks like you and my sis are going to luck out with your beach
cabins. Appears Rita will hit around Port Arthur, gosh I hope I'll be able to attend my 50th class reunion on Sept 30, 2005. We expect tropical storm winds here in Baton Rouge. Bill
Hopefully, you all will be safe in Baton Rouge. Take care and don't get "blown away"...
Rita is coming...
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