Here we go again. RITA is closing in on our beautiful Texas coast. I am writing this on Wednesday, and the storm is supposed to hit Galveston on Saturday morning. There are so many people leaving the area...wasn't it just 3 weeks ago that New Orleans residents came to Texas to be safe? Now, I guess they are having to pack up again, and go "somewhere else"...
Life can be interesting, can't it? My thoughts would have been on my "things" 20 years ago. Perhaps things are nice..but most of the things we have were bought. Some are family memories, but most were bought. I have thoughts of life, now. I hope everyone in harms way gets to a safe place, to weather out this storm. On Sunday or Monday, we may not have homes in that area, any more. Ok, that, is sad enough, but what if you lost a friend in the storm? How do you replace a life? You can't.
So, as this storm bears down on our Beach, and is strengthening as I type, I have a calmness about all of this. Mainly, there is nothing we can do about Mother Nature's choices. We can board up our windows, but if there aren't any houses or windows left, what good would that do? We have to pray that EVERYONE gets away, and that the storm blows itself up somewhere where no one lives.
Sure... that won't happen just because we wish it. Let's hope something good comes from this storm. That's all we can do right now, just HOPE.

Hi nanny!
Hope everything turns out ok back in Texas...
We have been getting lots of rain here today, since we are right on the northern edge of the swirl...
Love you...
Thanks, Greg. We just see a huge storm heading our way! Love you, too. nan
Not completely sure, but someone called today and said we might be in pretty good shape. I sure hope so.
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