Does anyone know where Eldorado, Texas is? I know it is a place full of very proud Texans, and at this point, very worried neighbors.
We were on our way to Midland, to join in the dedication of the George HW Bush home, and when we go West, we like to stop off and see our wonderful friend Susan! We made arrangements to be there Sunday, and did we have fun!
If you have watched the news, you know that a CULT has moved into Eldorado, and it has the neighbors very worried. We were lucky enough to be with a gentleman who owns the land next to the activities going on there, and we drove out to the fence line to view the temple that they have built there. We are talking about a building bigger than the Capital building in Austin. They build this "thing" out of rock, and it not only has 4 stories up...it is 4 stories deep. I guess they didn't want a Branch Dividian like fire to destroy their buildings.
There are over a thousand people in the commune. They are like the BD people, as they are a religious group, they intermarry and marry a bunch of wives. I believe they are a spin off from Utah!
Here are some comments from Internet:
Polygamist cult's Eldorado ranch remains a mystery
HoustonChronicle.com Feb 19, 2006 2 sources More than a year after a polygamist cult began building a compound in West Texas, the number of people living there and the whereabouts of the group's elusive leader remain a mystery to those outside the ....
FLDS temple nearly complete
The Daily Herald Feb 4, 2006 The first temple of the polygamist Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints appears to be nearing completion in Texas, according to a local sheriff."We believe it's done," Schleicher County ...
The temple is completed! We saw it. It is rather eerie to drive up to a fence and see this white, white huge temple sitting in the middle of cattle and goat country. They pretty much stay on the property, and don't allow anyone on their property. There is a gate that guards the entrance. The whole county is just sick about this.
At one time, as I recall there were only a few ranchers that owned the whole county. Now, of course, as the elders have died, and new people come to the county, there are many ranches. This is such a blite to this country. How did this happen? They bought about 1600+ acres by saying they were going to build a hunting lodge.
Keep an eye on this part of Texas. I think bad things are going to come of this. What happens when there are 5 maybe 10 thousand inside those fences?
They have stacked up huge rocks and bolders to build either a fence or more houses. They are building a dairy as I type. Busy, busy, busy!!!!
Our friend there is mortified. Pray nothing happens out there. Their leader is wanted by the police right now. He is in hiding..wonder where????
It was a fun trip, anyway. Susan has so many fun things around her house. Swallows have built a dirt nest against her house, the finches and other wild birds are all around. There are two Martin houses on top of the storage houses..how can that be? Martins do not like to subject themselves to danger. Nevertheless, the houses were full of Martins.
She has dogs (does she have dogs) Ripley is my favorite. She was Susan's dad's dog, before he died. She has ruled the ranch since her arrival. Can you believe a Jack Russell as a cow dog? hahah
We had a great time, and thanks Floyd for the tour ! On to Midland.

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