Monday, March 13, 2006


What makes me love Texas?  Possibly everything….but this year it has to be the beautiful winter weather we have had.  I think those who planned trips to Florida, or the Bahamas probably wasted their money!  At least, in Austin, it was more than Florida weather!

Luckily with the nice days, we could play some golf.  My golf is beyond repair, but I still enjoy getting out and swinging it when the calendar says January, February and the temperature says April, May.  It was 90 ˚ yesterday!  We watched Texas play baseball for 3 days, and listened to the Big XII basketball tournament in Dallas.  Baseball has been a thrill this year. Basketball has been an interesting season, also.  We beat (during the season) Villanova, Kansas,  Memphis…lost to A&M and got killed by Duke.  Well, it is March Madness time, and I hope we can do well.  Keeping fingers Crossed.

My daughter and granddaughter were in town this last weekend..we always have so much fun … wish they lived a bit closer.  (ok, 3 hours isn’t too far to visit, I know)  I was lucky enough to have my children together with me, at lunch Saturday.  That is always fun, as they grow older, and get separate lives, and activities.

The older I get the more I realize how important it is to live every day, and try enjoying most of the moments!  

We have several things that are going to happen in our family, very soon, and I know we are strong enough to make it through.  We pray for HSY and GWY and hope everything is going to turn out well for them.  How many times do we actually think about our good health and our really good lives?  We are thinking of Bob right now, also.

OK, I haven’t written on this blog for so long…really don’t get that many readers, so it doesn’t matter.

Starting a wonderful Sunday, I am going to be in Louisiana pulling the slot machine lever!  I haven’t ever been to Las Vegas, but if it is more fun than Delta or Lake Charles, I wouldn’t be able to contain myself!  We have a saying, though, that probably applies to most “gambling fools”…. We may as well air mail our money to them..a lot quicker, and it happens anyway!!!!!  My sister-in-law is my partner in crime.  Actually, she started me on this crusade…I only get about 4 trips a year, but oh what fun!

Here’s hoping all 7’s or a Wheel of Fortune Jackpot.   I wouldn’t tell anyone if I did win it, so just act like I didn’t..

I have started on a new project.  Besides my framing and selling the University of Texas tower pictures,  I am making Italian Charm bracelets.  What fun!  They are nice to wear, as they are small!!!!!  Holly is getting my next one..Love you Holly…


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