Of course, the calico is Kitty Ashby.
First of all, her name. I grew up in Midland, and my neighbors were the Ashby's. Mrs. Ashby is named Kitty. Now, believe it or not, she will be 100 this year. No, not the calico, the real Kitty Ashby. She is amazing. She is witty and smart...forgetful at times, as we all are. She has long since sold her family home, and is living in a retirement home in Midland today. Her daughter Ann keeps her eye on her, and how lucky is Mrs. Kitty Ashby to have her? Our mother's sometime act like they don't care about us, but they really do depend on us. God Bless you, Ann, for doing such a great job with your mom. Ann has a brother living in another state, now, so it is all up to Ann.
I told Mrs. Ashby I named my cat after her. I also told her I had always wanted to name a cat, Kitty Ashby. I just had boy cats for ever...or cats already named, or..well, it never happened! Mrs. Ashby smiled, but I really wasn't sure she thought it was the compliment I meant by naming KAt after her!
Now, for the cat. She plays hide and seek. She is learning to catch the ... what ever I throw. She talks to me. She is always beside me. That is a dog, isn't it? Maybe she has some doggie genes in her! My vet sure was "happy" when I first brought her in. He had treated Kitty Wilson before he died, and was waiting for me to get a new pet. "What's wrong with Calicos?" I asked. He said "EVERYTHING". We are working on being a good kitty when we visit his office. I will be able to teach her to speak English quicker. I will work on that!
When you lose a pet, your heart breaks. It is probably the worst thing to happen other than a human life... You think you can never love another as much. Well, I still think of Kitty Wilson, but I have gotten the perfect cat for me. Actually, my son John picked her out. I wanted another orange tabby, but..luckily we brought her home.
I may write again when she learns to catch her bear, and mouse. She is trying. We are working..What fun to have a really nice pal. Thanks Kitty Ashby for being in my life..both of you!

Our kitty is the same way. I don't think I could take losing him, and Greg. Oh Greg would take it harder I am sure. He is the one Yoda (our cat) follows around all day. He is an long hair ornage one. Was abused before we adopted him, but you could never tell after Greg has spoiled him so. Well, glad to read some. Love you much nn.
Today is a special day..Your aniversary. I still wish you had waited one day..then it would be 040404. Oh well, Congratulations to you and Greg. 2 years! Fun...Fun....Fun! Hope you are feeling up to celebrating a little. Love you both.. nn
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