While we were in Midland, we were so happy that 13 of us got together for dinner. There was one couple that I didn't know, but had heard her name over and over from the other ladies. It was one of those special evenings. You hear this all the time, but it is oh so true, with old friends, even though you don't see each other for years, you start right where you left off and it seems you have been together for ever.
Teddy and his wife Susan were there. Now he and I go back a long way. He reminded me of a pair of golf shoes he gave me when we were in the 7th grade. Yes, I remembered, they made me pigeon-toed!!!! I asked him if he was pigeon-toed, and he said "Of course!' hahah I knew it!!! I walked with a definite turn in of the toes for years. I always blamed it on those golf shoes!!!! Teddy is one of my favorite old friends. I think we almost dated once in the 8th grade. That is how far back we go as pals.
Paxton and Carolyn live close enough to us that we get to visit several times a year. It is always a treat to be with your old and dear friends. Pax had arranged for all of us to be together that evening. He even placed his Midland High ball cap in the middle of the table. Well, best laid plans sometime go astray....a lady took his chair, and he was relegated to the other end of the table. Thanks Pax for the great evening! Our end of the table (the OTHER end) had more fun than we should have..but when you get Sally, Carolyn, Sharon and Nancy together! Katy bar the door!!!! Always was, and always will be that way!
Sharon and Gene..now that is a couple. He is so quiet and such a gentleman. She is a lady, but not quiet. We had a wonderful time talking and visiting about this and that. Her birthday was the next day, so we celebrated with a few raunchy cards, and a beautiful, wonderful tasting cake. (thanks to Sally) Now that is my kind of cake. Chocolate, with Ice cream or something wonderful on the inside! It sure wasn't wasted on our table!!!! Happy Birthday again, Sharon...God Bless, and many more!!!! Keep Gene, he is a good one!
Betty Rae and Paul were there. My goodness, it would be hard to remember when I first knew them. They are about as nice as any two people can be, and will never read this, because "We don't turn our computer on very often." That is ok. Paul's dad and my daddy were pals. It is fun to see people who knew your parents. Betty Rae's mom is still alive, and I believe she is going to be 100 this year also. It must be something in the water. The two mothers that are still with us have been in Midland forever! They are off birding somewhere....I think Betty Rae cracked her "seater" and is going to have an interesting trip, no doubt.
Sally, our gracious host. What can I say? I didn't grow up knowing Sally, but have come to love her and consider her one of my best buds. We laugh a lot. I think she is just a great person. She lost her husband about this time last year. Her husband was an old Midlandite, and I had known him since the first grade. We met Sally oh, about 7 years ago now. Sure glad she is our pal. Thanks Sally for the wonderful hospitality, and great day together with George H W Bush!
We all said goodnight, and met up the next day at the luncheon and dedication. Midland is a wonderful town. You CAN go home again! On ye Bulldogs!

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