Sunday, September 28, 2008
More Sandy Shore Pictures

Robin K sent these and as you look toward Gulf, there were houses wall to wall just 2 weeks ago. I wonder how long it will be before it is up and going again?
Labels: Looking North to Entrance
Sandy Shore Subdivision AFTER IKE

Robin K sent these pictures today. We just cannot believe that everything (for the most part) is gone. There is a house here and there, but I would say 95% are gone. We pray for those who lost it all...we pray for those who lost their jobs. Crystal Beach as we knew it will never be the same. Doesn't that just seem like a bad dream? Pictures don't lie. We spent a lot of time in that little cabin!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Second picture shows how far back the waves went. 20 feet or so? The first one least there are some homes left. Ours was slabs and sand.
It has been 8 days, now, since IKE swallowed up Bolivar Peninsuala. We are all still in shock, and no one knows what is going to happen next.
That is a 32 minute helicopter flight to the Peninsula, and it just shows the totality of the destruction. You cannot imagine how horrible it was. I am glad I wasn't there...because as Gov. Perry said..."almost certain death" if you stay.
A lot of Crystal Beach people are spread out over the state. It will never be the same, no matter how long it takes....There were 110 houses in our little 5 street subdivision. All but 4 are GONE!
Where does everything go? There are big items from houses, and of course, the never to be seen little treasures everyone keeps close. I had little reproductions of the ferries...I know they will never be replaced, as the man who made them died, and I believe his wife probably had the parts, in CB. Oh well..those are just things. Perhaps we can all stop, and think about the changes that people who worked in Crystal Beach, and the Peninsula, are experiencing. NO JOBS, no businesses to work home left. Yikes, it is all so overwhelming. The pictures are of Bolivar, it is hard to tell where..but you can see the work ahead of us, and the people who will come in and help repair the erosion. There is talk of a bird sanctuary. I don't think Galveston County will want to give up so much tax base, to have a home for birds. No one knows, but I am betting in a year or so, homes will begin to reappear, and stores, and life. As with all tragedy, there is hope, and new life.
I am going to stop writing about his some day. For now, it helps to write to myself and remember. Don't mess with Mother Nature... God help those who need support right now.
Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Beach House Thursday morning would have looked like this. (Middle Picture, flags waving and a smile on her face!)
Ike arrived, and the whole place went away. It is so hard to believe all this.
I found these pictures on the Crystal page.
Folks, this is amazing. You can see that the first 8-10 rows were virturally wiped out! We had a house on the 2nd row.
It looks like a bomb was dropped on us.
The first 5 rows are nothing but sand from the beach.
The next rows are spotty at best.
We were so lucky...we did get to enjoy our little cabin for 10 years. What fun and good memories. We loved the little house and it had been the one I had wanted since I first visited Crystal Beach with my Sister-in-law.
We were able to buy it, and make up for the saddness of losing our beloved 417 Ranch of 19 years. It took a place in our hearts, like the Ranch had done years before. Luckily we don't think there are too many who were injured or worse.
Things are nice...we value our possessions, we grab our pictures, we try to save as much as possible if we have time...but saving your life is the best move. Several people got caught on Bolivar Peninsula because the storm surge was 10 hours ahead of the storm. They were trapped. Now where does that house and possession go if you die? Someone asked if they could help board up the it ends up, boarding wouldn't have done one thing. We have never seen anything like this in our 10 years there...the natives say there hasn't been anything like this perhaps since 1900. Rumor has it 4 weeks for electricity...and they may not let us live on Bolivar again. hmmmmm interesting days ahead.
(Thanks to David J. Phillip for the pictures of Ike's dirty deed) .
Beach House, RIP
Saturday, September 13, 2008

As of now, 8:52 am Saturday September 13th, things don't look good for the people on Galveston Island, and Bolivar Peninsula. Ike came roaring in last night with all the furry wind and rain can give. You have seen the pictures, and it doesn't look good. I am having problems uploading pictures.
First of all, from other storms, you notice something rather dunes. The gulf and the beach look so different when the dunes have been washed away. I guess dunes are good for every day high tides, and serve as a small barrier between homes and water...but, they are like putting sugar in water..they don't last long.
We don't know what to expect from this storm. Perhaps if everyone is safe, that will be the best news from last night's terror. Homes can be rebuilt. Possessions can be replaced. Well, most can. We have some things in our little cabin that would be sad not to see again, but at least we had them for a long time. I worry more about Alice, and Gloria, Lola, Kathy and the people we know in our towns around Bolivar. Talked to Alice yesterday, and they had gone to Winnie to seek higher ground. I hope she will call today to let us know they made it through the storm. Can you imagine the 1900 storm? No warning, no sea is scary to think of.
More on this later. God Bless and help all of those who will need to start again.
Monday, September 08, 2008
IDENTITY THEFT the Number 1 Crime in America

We just returned from Las Vegas. (yes, I did gamble a bit, but the most important thing was) We had a nice time, and learned a lot about Pre-Paid Legal Services, and Identity Theft.
The author of The Silent Crime, Michael McCoy, talked to us about his studies. He said IDT is the fastest growing crime in America, and Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. coverage is THE BEST of all the coverages. Some cover Credit and promise 1 million dollars if you lose money...It is great as far as it goes but....
There are 5 areas that Pre-Paid Legal covers. (with Kroll, another 35 year old company) Social Security, Credit Cards, Medical, Driver's License, and Character. We have a very affordable service at $ 15.95 stand alone, or $9.95 added to a $26 Legal Plan. If you don't know what I am talking about, go to
Mr. McCoy was telling us that the thieves are creating people..yes! They take SS# from one person, the DL from another, the Medical from another, then they put it all together as a person. It is very interesting how far these people have gone. One problem, they cannot find them fast enough to keep YOUR IDENTIFICATION from being used. Once it is breached, it goes to perhaps 50 different users. Workers from other nations need a way to work. The easiest way is to buy a SS#...that is simple enough...but now, every 3 months, when the employer has to check ID's again, they have to pick up another number to see them through. This is getting to be a real problem for the illegal alien that need papers. So, what can we do about it?
Not much on prevention, except the few obvious precautions. With Kroll, you are monitored every day, very often during the day, and are notified immediately by email, or letter, if you don't have email, when there is activity. Sometimes it is your activity, then you can ignore the warning...but when it isn't you, you can call and get the process started immediately. When your ID is stolen, you will have a friend in Kroll. They are the leaders in this field. They wedded Prepaid Legal, so when it happens you will have legal help. Kroll does all the work, keeping you at work, and they don't stop until your credit is back to what it was before the theft. That is awesome. Most companies give you a do it yourself kit, and send you on your way, with telephone support. Ask someone how many hours it takes to restore your credit. And..while you are at it, ask how much money it costs! Time and you have enough to waste on something someone else could be doing??? Think about it.
Look into the service, and then call Legally Yours at 512 454-4544. We will be happy to help you understand the service. Click the Identity Theft flashing banner to your right....
Monday, September 01, 2008

We are watching the weather closely. OUR beach house isn't very far from this area, and I am interested in Wednesday weather, as I leave on an airplane! I don't like to fly, so it will be interesting.
One flight, a few years ago, my husband told me to look out the left window..(it was sunny and bright) as we took off I peeked at the RIGHT, over Morris Williams Golf Course....he was correct, look was dark, and lightening and...well, I looked out the left window until we got out of that area!!!!
These hurricanes are so unpredictable. They can figure pretty close, but those storms have a mind of their own. Let us hope no one is hurt or worse, today and beyond.
Mississippi is being blown around as I type this, and I guess we will have this for a few more days.
Come on Gustav....get outta here!!!!
Labels: GUSTAV the great