IDENTITY THEFT the Number 1 Crime in America

We just returned from Las Vegas. (yes, I did gamble a bit, but the most important thing was) We had a nice time, and learned a lot about Pre-Paid Legal Services, and Identity Theft.
The author of The Silent Crime, Michael McCoy, talked to us about his studies. He said IDT is the fastest growing crime in America, and Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. coverage is THE BEST of all the coverages. Some cover Credit and promise 1 million dollars if you lose money...It is great as far as it goes but....
There are 5 areas that Pre-Paid Legal covers. (with Kroll, another 35 year old company) Social Security, Credit Cards, Medical, Driver's License, and Character. We have a very affordable service at $ 15.95 stand alone, or $9.95 added to a $26 Legal Plan. If you don't know what I am talking about, go to
Mr. McCoy was telling us that the thieves are creating people..yes! They take SS# from one person, the DL from another, the Medical from another, then they put it all together as a person. It is very interesting how far these people have gone. One problem, they cannot find them fast enough to keep YOUR IDENTIFICATION from being used. Once it is breached, it goes to perhaps 50 different users. Workers from other nations need a way to work. The easiest way is to buy a SS#...that is simple enough...but now, every 3 months, when the employer has to check ID's again, they have to pick up another number to see them through. This is getting to be a real problem for the illegal alien that need papers. So, what can we do about it?
Not much on prevention, except the few obvious precautions. With Kroll, you are monitored every day, very often during the day, and are notified immediately by email, or letter, if you don't have email, when there is activity. Sometimes it is your activity, then you can ignore the warning...but when it isn't you, you can call and get the process started immediately. When your ID is stolen, you will have a friend in Kroll. They are the leaders in this field. They wedded Prepaid Legal, so when it happens you will have legal help. Kroll does all the work, keeping you at work, and they don't stop until your credit is back to what it was before the theft. That is awesome. Most companies give you a do it yourself kit, and send you on your way, with telephone support. Ask someone how many hours it takes to restore your credit. And..while you are at it, ask how much money it costs! Time and you have enough to waste on something someone else could be doing??? Think about it.
Look into the service, and then call Legally Yours at 512 454-4544. We will be happy to help you understand the service. Click the Identity Theft flashing banner to your right....
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