As of now, 8:52 am Saturday September 13th, things don't look good for the people on Galveston Island, and Bolivar Peninsula. Ike came roaring in last night with all the furry wind and rain can give. You have seen the pictures, and it doesn't look good. I am having problems uploading pictures.
First of all, from other storms, you notice something rather interesting...no dunes. The gulf and the beach look so different when the dunes have been washed away. I guess dunes are good for every day high tides, and serve as a small barrier between homes and water...but, they are like putting sugar in water..they don't last long.
We don't know what to expect from this storm. Perhaps if everyone is safe, that will be the best news from last night's terror. Homes can be rebuilt. Possessions can be replaced. Well, most can. We have some things in our little cabin that would be sad not to see again, but at least we had them for a long time. I worry more about Alice, and Gloria, Lola, Kathy and the people we know in our towns around Bolivar. Talked to Alice yesterday, and they had gone to Winnie to seek higher ground. I hope she will call today to let us know they made it through the storm. Can you imagine the 1900 storm? No warning, no sea wall...whew...it is scary to think of.
More on this later. God Bless and help all of those who will need to start again.
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