Monday, November 27, 2006


Today is somewhat of a record. Someone staying with me for 32 years! I didn't even stay around my parents for 32 years!

We were married at St. David's Episcopal Church, November 27, 1974. At 4:00 P. M. we said "I do" and hoped we would have a few years together. It has been a short 32 years. We have both grown old together, and I cannot imagine my life without Jay.

John and Jeff took us out to lunch at Macaroni Grill. Yummy! And tonight we went down to the Austin Club for dinner. What a nice day we had. Thanks John for remembering!!!! (you always do)

Thanks, Jay for all you do, and all you are! My love forever!

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Wow, what a great game the Fighting Texas Aggies played in Austin last Friday. We certainly had our chances, and didn't win when it really meant a lot! No excuses, just outplayed, out hustled, and out smarted! Congratulations to the Aggies, and OU...they will play Nebraska in the Big XII Championship game next Saturday!!! OU won handily over OSU, and congratulations to them, too. Win it for the South !

Texas has to regroup, and hope we can win our bowl, no matter what and where it is. Next year's rankings depend on a big finish for us. I think if we stay healthy we should be a real good team come September 2007. Hook 'em Horns, Go Cowboys and Titans! Vince and the Titans won today scoring 24 points in the 4th. Giants are probably in shock right now. That is so good. I sure wish Houston had taken Vince Young, as we could watch every week. I had to listen to the radio today. Good win! Cowboys looked awesome Thursday in their win.

Off next week to Beach and Louisiana. I hope to do some good things while in front of those slots! Will report!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A New Army Medic in our Family

Greg became an official Medic today down at Ft. Sam Houston. How proud it makes you to see the soldiers and their accomplishments. Truely a wonderful sight, and a wonderful feeling for me.

John, Jeff, Debbie, Adam, Brit and Jake met with me over at Houston's Restaurant last night. By the time we got to the table, we had waited an hour, and it was 9:35 before we finished dinner. We headed down to San Antonio, got to the hotel on base around 10:40. The arrangements were made by Holly, and since she has a military ID, we got on base at the Officer's Hotel. It was nice, and we had rooms on the same floor. Odd enough...there were 3 hallways and we were each at the end of a hall...the last room!!! Weird..

I was afraid I wouldn't wake up, so about 3 times during the night I watched the clock!!! I wish I wouldn't do that. 6:00 did roll around, finally. I got up and made coffee, watched Fox News until it was ready to drink. Luckily I had brought my water and coffee, so it tasted like homemade!!!!!

We got to the Club where the ceremony was to take place. There is a joke (or maybe not a joke) that our family always looks for me when there is a screaming baby. Yep, every time we are together and we are having a good time, someone's baby starts yelling. May be at a restaurant, or in church, or at anything..and there is a screamer....doing their thing. Today was no exception. Today there were stereo screamers. What I don't understand is why parents don't excuse themselves, with their crying baby, and go outside so others don't have to hear it????? Why not? It seems the right thing to do.

But I digress..

There were 313 (I believe that was the number) graduates. Now, isn't that wonderful? These men and women put themselves in harm's way to help those who have been wounded ...God Bless them all. Our soldier was the LAST name in the program, and the last man to come across to get his I don't know what they got, I am sure something to say they had done the work, and were NT's...Medics. Congratulations to dear Greg. What a job he will do.

Thank goodness there are men like Greg, willing to go to the front lines, and do their work. I am sure there will be more news of Greg from time to time. He will go to Tampa on Saturday, and check out, gather their furniture, and head to Italy in January. This will be a great Christmas in Texas for them. Debbie is actually going to decorate for Christmas, and have a tree etc. etc. I am sure we will be there at least once during the holidays.

We went to a mexican restaurant for yummy fiddles and after a nice visit, I got on the road and headed to Austin. I had been home about 40 minutes ...called Debbie to ask where they were, and she said "On 410"...Yikes, they were still in San Antonio. hahaha...couldn't say goodbye to Vickie, her long time pal, and her son, our soldier.

Holly..keep good care of him, and take good care of yourself. We love both!

Happy Thanksgiving..Happy, wonderful day. Thank you God for all that is ours.

Then, bring on the Aggies! \m/ Hook 'em Horns!

Monday, November 20, 2006


Thanksgiving...a time to give thanks. Thank you, God, for our lives, our family, our friends, our parents...and on and on. How lucky are we? I for one, feel VERY LUCKY, and very blest...

After the prayers, come the food and the football. "Mancow" was on Fox news today, saying how far we have gone away from the original meaning of Thanksgiving. The word itself should give us a clue as to what this day is.

Now, we go to the table and stuff ourselves. EVERYONE serves too much food. We think one vegetable, one salad and a turkey isn't enough. There is so much food left over you can send some home with all the guests, and have enough for meals aplenty. Then, as if that wasn't enough, we wait about 28 days, and do it again at Christmas. No wonder we have to make New Year's lose weight certainly is one of them!

Well, I will not go to a game on Thursday. Nope, I will wait until Friday...Texas plays A&M the Big XII Championship is on the line for Texas. We used to have this game on Thanksgiving. Don't you still miss it on that day? I do. It was a wonderful time to go to the stadium...usually the bands had a nice Thanksgiving theme, and the fly over and all the other wonderful things that 83,000 can share! Always brought a tear to my eyes when the missing man plane left the formation.

Say your prayer, then Hook 'em Horns!

God Bless America!

God Bless our Troops!

God Bless our President!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Boo Hoo... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Now, I feel better. Texas lost to Kansas State, and perhaps I should just leave it at that. But, wasn't Kansas State wonderful? They played the best football that has been played against us, and you have to give them all the credit. We lost. But they won a lot more than that game. Watch out for them..they have a new coach, and and they are playing great football.

I wish we had won, but we didn't. Now, we go to work. Beat Aggies the day after Thanksgiving, and Nebraska again, in the Big XII in December. That will get us into a BCS Bowl, and if we do well, maybe a high ranking to start next year....the stress and the anxiety...hahah

Congratulations to KSU...

You beat a good team.

We love the Longhorns.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Veteran’s Day is always a beautiful day for me. I am about as proud of being an American as any one. I am so proud of our veterans. Jay is a WWII veteran, and is always celebrating Marine Corps birthday(November 10th ) , and Veterans day with pride. He has 2 buddies from his outfit that live in Texas. One lives in San Antonio, and the other in Coleman. They get together from time to time, and always do the “remember when” visiting. It is nice to see these older men recalling their youth, and the crazy things they did when they weren’t flying. Jay was a Marine Pilot in the vmf-512th. He began as a Navy recruit, thanks to his dad, and opted for the Corsair. What a wonderful airplane that was!

These men are leaving us at the rate of 1100 a week. That is staggering…Jay is 84. He was 19 when he entered the service after Pearl Harbour was bombed. Most of the men that went in probably had a pretty good reason, like Pearl Harbour. Today, my Grandson is in the Army, and has been since 911. Pretty good reasons for wanting to get into uniform and defend your country.

I am proud of all veterans today (and always). A special prayer for all of those who helped to make America the wonderful country we are today.

God Bless you all.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My computer crashed. Not because of any virus � no, no..nothing that simple. I installed XP Pro over a home edition, and suddenly, everything went haywire. I am sure that was what happened. I had to send my computer away to a DR. and I am on a desktop computer now. I am not looking forward to programming all the things back into my laptop. It might not ever get exactly like it was. I am going to try to cut down on programs. (I seem to like all of them, and the computer is not geared to take so many)

Lots of things have happened..and I guess I could cover most of them. We have played several football games, and won them all. I was particularly happy with the way we beat Oklahoma State. We have had problems with them for many years, and we took care of them on Saturday. We venture to Manhattan, Kansas to play KSU on Saturday, and IF we are to keep our BCS standing we need to beat them handily, also. That is sad, I think, because you not only have to win to stay high in the BCS, you have to KILL your opponent. That isn�t right. But, I, unfortunately, don�t make the rules. Shucks.

Our weather has been interesting. Hot, cold, warm, hot. It is going to be 88� here in Austin, tomorrow. This is good, because we are going to play golf. I don�t like to get out when it is COLD!!!!! We will have a lot of fun tomorrow, as we play a scramble, and that is always a lot of fun for me�my game is not trustworthy (actually, it never has been) and I like to depend on my teammates. It makes you have a less stress game!

We will go to San Antonio to help Greg celebrate his graduation. He is a MEDIC now. His life in the Army will begin a new turn about 3 months from now. I will get into that later. Congratulations happy you are moving on.

We have been down to the beach once since September. I had to go fix my weather station. I was unhappy when I got there..the Internet was unplugged. Oh was fun to be there. I think I will go with my sister-in-law in December. She goes to a breakfast with her old pals, and then we head to Louisiana for a day of SLOTS! Yeah!!!!! I am getting about ready to go, now! It usually takes me about 2 months or more after a visit.

The elections were disappointing�but hey, The Republicans need to work hard and figure out what to do to get BETTER!

That is all I am going to say about last night�s victory for the Democrats. Other than, congratulations. I know you are as happy as we are sad�it is now your turn to do something. Quit all the criticism, and do something.

We love you Gregory, and so happy you are such a fine man. (Holly, we love you too)
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