It is Sunday morning, and after a dull and rainy Saturday, we are blest with a beautiful Austin, Texas day. How lucky to be living in Austin.
Next week is the beginning of a month at the beach. I really like to see July roll around, as we have so much fun down in the hot sun! Usually there are so many things to do to make the house look better, painting, cleaning, refinishing the deck, being sure our weather station is correct. There is always maintenance at a beach house...never get a front row home..they are the worst! Been there, done that!
There are usually two trips to Louisiana to do a little slot pulling. I don't do the tables, as I don't know enough about the games to make good decisions. Actually, you don't have to think to do the slots, so, that is where I go. My sister-in-law is the one that got me started...do I thank her or what? We usually take 50 dollars (25 each) and pull away on the 5 dollar machine. One trip, I was running very short of money, and decided I would spend the last on a $5 machine. I pulled and it locked. I asked someone..what is wrong? "Nothing, you are on a $25 machine". Yikes, from then on, I really watch WHICH machine I am on!!! They have them all mixed in with $5 and a $10 might be right next to it, then the $25 and even up to $100. Now I ask you, how much fun would it be to play the $100 slot? I would be very nervous, and probably would not enjoy the loss! I would rather lose it slowly.. HA!
Well, summer will be gone before we know it. We are on a committee to plan the University of Texas X Student's golf tournament. It was held in November the first year, pretty cold.. then October last year..the first cold day we had for the winter, and this year it will be in September. The tournament will be the Monday after the Ohio State game. Should be HOT!!!! September is hot in Austin.
My Grandson, who is in the Army, will be in San Antonio, for about four months starting the end of July. NICE! We don't see that much of each other, but it will be nice to have Holly and Greg in Texas.
Wonder if they would want to go to a Football game? I will have to ask. Perhaps the first one. We will see if an Ole Miss fan would put up his horns.
Next post will be from the Beach House, unless I get something to write about before.
I will have some news about my other Grandson by then, I hope! He is going to change his life completely...I am 100% behind what he will be doing. More later. God Bless them all! Brittany, that means you, too!