Well, really good news. After my little Blue Masked Lovebird died, the other one was so lonesome. He (don't know for sure, but for writings, HE will do) just sat on his swing..hardly churped at all. So... I have been looking through the weekend, and today, for a new friend for Blue.
I called about 5 stores, and went to about 5 more. Today was the day...there, at Petsmart, was a beautiful blue masked lovebird. So much like the other one, that the only way, right now, to tell them apart is by their tails. Blue has a wider tail, and the new bird has narrow and pointed tail. So, with that, let us just say, we have twins!!!
They looked at each other for about 15 minutes. Finally, Blue was nervy enough to nibble on Lovey's head. Then she (don't know for the rest) nibbled on his head. I had not seen the nibbling with the first two. Then, they broke out in the loudest chatter. She makes sounds different from those that Blue makes, so, we can tell them apart that way, too.
They are so happy to be together. It was LOVE at first sight. Whew. Sometimes they don't like each other, and there is a terrible war that goes on until you separate them. Luckily we won't have to do that. She is probably 2 months old, Blue will be a 1 year old in November. We will wait until April or so to put a nest and nesting material with them. Until then, they can be buds, and churp sing, with the Finches and the Lory.
The Lory can sing and whistle many sounds..The Eyes of Texas being the best!!!! I hope they are with him long enough to learn that, too.
I felt so bad when the first Lovebird died. But there is a happy ending/beginning now.

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