We drove to Burnet yesterday to pick up our new little birds. Our friend, Susan, gave us two of her lovebirds that she had hatched and raised! (well, actually, the mother and father bird did hatch them and raise them..but you understand what I mean)
What a fun trip. We arrived in Burnet early, so we ate a hamburger, fries, and waited for Susan to show. She did, driving her cute PT Cruiser, looking like a real city gal. She lives in Eldorado on her ranch, and needed to be in Burnet yesterday, so, we just met with her, exchanged the empty cage for the cage with the birds in it, covered them and hooked it back to Austin.
On our way home, we stopped at the pet shop .. the one where I bought my finches. They told me for sure they were Black Masked Lovebirds. They are a beautiful teal color with white collar and breast. Black head with the ring eyes..that is why they are called black masked. Actually, the blue ones are often called Blue Masked Lovebirds, but we can call them what ever we want.
Now, we hope we have a male and female. I am going to try to raise some, in about 3 months. I am going to get them comfortable with their new home, and get them comfortable with me sticking my hand in the cage to change the water, or put some fruits and vegetables in the cage. They are already singing, churping, if you will..and that is a good sign. I am so happy to have them.
I think their names are Sinclair (for the female) and either Teal, Zorro, Bandit or some other interesting name. I will try to post a picture on this blog for you to see their color and size. They are little parrots. Pocket Parrots. The ladies at the pet store said "NO, they are Lovebirds" ..but the book..the said they are often called Pocket Parrots. So, I will call them something ....
Meanwhile, the finches, Whitey and PeeWee are not going to have any more baby attempts. Not until November or later.. I think the mother and father are too young. We will see how this hatching goes. Hope they make it. They are really cute birds, too. And of course, the Lory, JoJo...what a clown. He sings and whistles The Eyes of Texas and whistles that and a bunch of other tunes. He pretends he is a turkey, a mourning dove, and squirrel. He is going to teach the Lovebirds to make some kind of sound, I am sure.
Sad news. One of the Blue Masks is dead. I found him/her this morning (June 10th) boo hoo. I have to call Susan, and tell her. She will be so sad, since she raised these beauties. Well, we put the bird next to our cats. They will have plenty to talk about! Our yard looks like a bird, cat, etc. cemetary. Well, we have to put them somewhere when they leave us. I can see the spot when I walk down the stairs in the mornings...
More on the birds, later.

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