Sunday, August 21, 2005


The other day, I finally took a picture of the trees that have been getting my attention each time I played the golf course. I had wished for my camera for probably 6 months. FINALLY, I did take my camera, and this is the picture.

Do you see the two people in the picture? Do you see them about to kiss? I know..those that know me think I "see something" in rocks, and shells, and now, TREES. I call this picture The Kissing Trees. I think it is magical that I didn't see the two when I observed the tree those many months..only when I printed the picture. They have been there a long, long time.  Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Happy Birthday, Mother

Happy Birthday, Mother. Every August 13th I think of my mother. She would have been 107 today. It has been 13 years since she closed her eyes, and joined my father. That is hard to believe.

I was such a wild child growing to "trouble" all the time. It must have been a real challenge to raise a kid like me. I didn't always like my mother, growing up. She was a strong disciplinarian, and I was the most whupped kid in Midland, I am sure.

I really do thank my mother, and appreciate her more and more, the older I get. I know she did the best job she could do. She was raised in Seattle, Washington. Her mother died before I was adopted. I never knew either of my Grandmothers. Granddaddy was an old Scot, who was wonderful. Full of life and so kind. I am not sure why my mother was so introverted. She had a brother that was a complete opposite...but I digress. My mother spent years trying to get me "straightened out", hahah. I know she sure got tired trying!

We were lucky enough to have her here with us for her last 3 years. I think as the days went on, she learned to love me, and I know it was good for me. I thank her ever day for adopting me. I could have been a lot of places. God was good to me.

So today I am saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY, mother. I love you.  Posted by Picasa

Computers that are SICK, are sickening!

Whoopee..I got my computer back. It has been at the hospital for over 2 weeks. I won't tell you what kind of computer I have, and I won't tell you where I took it...but after 16 days, they told me it was dusty. DUSTY? THAT is what was making my computer restart itself at least 2 times everytime I tried to get on the Internet or send email. I would run my antivirus and the computer would stop the program ..this sounded like a worm or a virus to me. What do I know??? Obviously, nothing.

Have you ever heard of dust stopping a computer cold? You have now. I won't go back to the place that "fixed" the little darling, as I waited for 20 minutes before I asked if it would be better for me to come back another time...Oh, she said..did you come just to pick up a computer? I can help you.(Grrrrrr) I was trying to be "nice" (that is not always easy for me) I grabbed my computer, and left. I am not sure I even said thank you..I might have, I just don't remember. The computer was under warranty, so I got off cheap...BUT, I won't go back there again. Unless of course, I can't find another place to take weird acting machines.

I am, nontheless, very happy to have my little pal back here where it home, gathering dust. I will try to stop dust from coming close to it again.

OK..I am back, no one reads these anyway, so I am talking to myself. At least I listen, and don't say "huh?" every sentence. That's another story.

Football is about to start, and I am really ready for the Longhorns to take the field, and take the National Championship come January 1st in the Rose Bowl. Go Horns!!!! Hook 'em Horns! Posted by Picasa