Monday, June 27, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Thursday, June 23, 2005

CHANCE WHEELESS WITH his walkoff Home Run in 9th against Baylor! What a swing! (picture taken from After crumpling at the plate after a grounder the bat before, this was a very pleasant surprise. Go Horns! The 4 year Seniors have come in 1st, 3rd, 2nd last year, and 1st this year (we hope).. NOW, go win your 6th title, (2nd for Coach Augie) CWS National Championship.

I am so happy and proud of our Longhorns! I am very impressed with the competetion! We knew Baylor was tough, and we knew Nebraska was too! After all is said and done, the Big XII did well in Omaha.
Texas played Baylor, Tulane and Baylor again. Baylor took care of Tulane, and put them out of the tournament. Since Texas wasn't ranked in top 8 for tournament, it is even sweeter that we are 3-0.
We play the winner of tonight's game between Arizona State and Florida. I am betting Arizona State, as they look awesome!
Good luck to the Longhorns! Hook 'em Horns and Thank YOU Augie for another great year.

Monday, June 13, 2005

It's off to Omaha. We surely played a great team. Ole Miss is wonderful! They fought like a great team does fight..and somehow we won. Being the home team the last two games helped, I think.
How sweet this is for the Horns. We had a terrible misunderstanding there last year, and it will be great to get back, and show people what a good team we are, and what good people we are. Here's to the Texas Longhorns, may they bring their pitching and their bats! Oh, and by the way...we play Baylor (another Big XII team) the first game. They have taken 4 from us this year. I remember Rice beat us during the season a few years ago..and we beat them, and were National Champions. Go Horns!

Love from Austin

TO GREG, IN QATAR....Brittany and Holly thinking of you! Hope you are well...and by the way, Ole Miss won the first game. We play again at 5 Texas time, and we have to win..duh! They got rained out last will play another at the time set up by TV for 2nd game. OK..Ole Miss won the first game, we won the second last night, and today (Monday) we play the game that decides who goes to Omaha. Great games! P. S. We won last night. Gosh it was really a great series. Texas played a great team!!! That's for sure! Now go take care of business in Omaha. We'll be there.

Sunday, June 12, 2005
Friday, June 10, 2005
We are in for a great weekend. My daughter is coming to Austin, my son will be grandson Geof, my granddaughter Brittany, and my Granddaughter-in-law (Greg's wife) will be here, too. Wow..with all of us in one place, it is liable to be FUN! Brittany has a birthday the 17th, so I bet we sing to her before the weekend is over.
Holly is here from Florida, to visit her mom in Gonzales, and is tripping over to Austin, to be with US. We will have some fun with her, as she is a real lady. We didn't know her when Greg married her, and we were wondering what he had done...???? But, we are sure proud of her, and glad she is in the family. Welcome, Holly...Love you!!!
Well, I guess this is long enough. We will take time out Saturday evening around 6:00 to listen to the Horns in Oxford. We might email Gregory and tell him "Hook 'em !" as he went a year to Ole Miss. Sorry to beat his old school's team! That just happens sometime. More later..WITH PICTURES!!!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Those who know me well, know of my interest in Gene Autry, and Gene Autry films. Gene Autry has 5 Stars on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood. One each for recording, motion pictures, TV, Radio, and song writing. He invested his money well, and became a very wealthy man. Pretty good for a man they said couldn't act! He sang pretty well, and once while he was young, in Oklahoma, Will Rogers heard him sing and by telling him he should do something with his talent, sent him on his way to his career as a singing cowboy. Gene Autry always wore the white hat. He was always a square shooter. Our hero!!!
I met Mr. Autry when I was in High School in Washington D. C. It was pretty neat, as I had watched Gene and Frog whip up on all the bad men in black hats, when I was a youngster in Midland, Texas. We would go to the Ritz Theater, on Saturdays to finish watching a portion of a serial which was usually left "hanging you on a cliff" (to bring you back the next week)...then Gene Autry, Roy Rogers or Hoppy movie. We sure had fun back in those days. I started getting interested in Gene Autry again, about 3 years ago. I read his book, (Back In The Saddle Again) and found a lot of interesting and fun things about his life, and his career. Didn't realize he had an alcohol problem..did know he was in the Army during WWII. He returned to films after the war ended. By this time Roy Rogers had moved up the ladder and was a Cowboy star. But..Gene came back and formed his own company after a lawsuit to release him from contract...Flying A Productions was his company. Champion ...all 5.. What great horses Gene had.
Then I started watching the Western's Channel on DirecTV. Every afternoon at 3:30 I am usually in front of the TV watching some episode. Every Sunday and Wednesday at 11:00 A. M. there are movies that have been restored. Pat Buttram, is Gene's sidekick on The Gene Autry Show episodes, and the movies made during that time. (Later, Pat played Mr. Haney on Green Akers) He is so much fun to watch.. Pat was married to Sheila Ryan, who plays lots of different characters on the Gene Autry Show, also. Dicky Jones and Gail Davis were regulars, also. Alan Hale, Jr. was always a baddy, until Pat was hurt and off the second season, then he was Gene's sidekick, along with several others. Pat nearly died, but recovered and came back the next season!
I found it interesting that Gene Autry lived 91 full years and 2 days. His Gene Autry Show had 91 Episodes, and he made 91 movies. Is that weird? I think it is.
Here is my first picture of Gene on the blog. I may put others later. God Bless Gene Autry!! His cowboy code is famous. Here it is.
Gene Autry's Cowboy Code
1.The Cowboy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take unfair advantage.
2.He must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.
3.He must always tell the truth.
4.He must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.
5.He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.
6.He must help people in distress.
7.He must be a good worker.
8.He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.
9.He must respect women, parents, and his nation's laws.
10.The Cowboy is a patriot.
© 1994 Gene Autry Survivors Trust

Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Oxford, Mississippi Next Stop
Texas Longhorns will play Ole Miss on SATURDAY, June 11th. Today several of our players were picked in the MLB draft. No one in the first round. drats! James Brent (that's what they had, James) went in the second round. Teagarden in the 5th. I think a lot of these players from different high schools are going to have a hard time making it in the Bigs. But, money speaks. (I wish they would go to college, and at least grow up a bit, before they get into the "real world". I will post more when the Horns get to Mississippi and play a game. We need to win 2 and come home. Omaha is very close behind...Go Horns!!
Monday, June 06, 2005
Honoring J. Ed Warren
Long ago, I had a really great daddy. He was busy a lot when I was growing up, but he always had a kind and wonderful way about him. I remember he would thow the baseball around the yard, after a hard day working..spend the night out in the yard with us, and always had a nice smile to share. Sometimes when I was really bad that day, mother would send daddy into my room to "grill" me about what happened. He was pretty easy compaired to mother. But....
He was strict. Oh my gosh.. but he was fair. I guess that is the best thing you can be as a parent. I learned a lot about life from him. He was here 88 years. I still miss him. He died 17 years ago today. His birthday was June 9th and Father's day was always the 3rd Sunday in June. June reminds me of him. ALWAYS!
Love you daddy, and RIP
Well, we did it! It wasn't easy, but we won our Regional against Quinninpiac, Miami of Ohio and Arkansas. We had some great games, and today, I am about as happy as you can be after sitting in 90 degree heat for 4 days. We started Friday night and beat Quinninpiac. Arkansas beat us on Saturday night. So now, we are in the losers bracket, which is brutal. We had to play Miami of Ohio Sunday at noon. We won. Then we played Arkansas again Sunday evening at 6:00. Well, we won, and had to play them again today at noon to be the team that goes to Super Regionals in Oxford, Mississippi. That is where my Grandson, Greg, went. He is in the Army now, and I bet it was more fun in Oxford! Qatar doesn't sound like a real party place!
We will be playing Ole Miss, and since it is their home stadium, we will have to play hard, and get to Omaha. Good luck to the Horns, and we will surely be on TV so we can watch them win. (OF COURSE, we always listen to Craig and Keith on 1300 The Zone, radio, along with watching them on TV) Keith and Craig seem to give the average listener a leg up on facts and happenings! When you listen to them you always learn something interesting about the game. I played a lot of softball and sand lot baseball growing up in Midland, Texas, but didn't know the games within the game... running, pitching, batting etc. I am learning!
Perhaps we will win it all and everyone in Austin who follows the Baseball Horns will be so happy and our season will be PERFECT!!!!!