Thursday, January 20, 2011


Feels like I have been a weak and no energy body a long time. Chemo knocked a bunch of stuff out of me, and hopefully a bunch of Cancer Cells, too. Now I am into Radiation for the first week. Tomorrow will be my 5th treatment. Saw the Dr today. He just told me after the first 3 weeks things get interesting... hahah I think this whole process has been interesting.

I cannot complain. I am making it through, I think.. and have had very few side effects. The Neuropathy is the worst. It tends to throw your balance off, limits what your legs can do, and getting up and down the stairs is a real effort. I was told to take deep breath, hold it a few seconds, and release while walking up. It does help.

I sure had a long life of health, and last May that sort of came to an abrupt end. I hope to one day regain my strength, play some golf and get out with the wind and the sun!!!!! That is my goal.

Cancer is a pit. But, believe it or not, killing cancer cells is my biggest goal. That will be a happy day if they can tell me down the road I am free..

And the Journey continues.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


THIS has been the worst football season since I was a Jr at the University of Texas back in 1956. My first summer in Austin was spent at Barton Springs, and the lakes. I had a wonderful time. I made some pretty good grades in summer school (2 B's which was rare for me) and of course, I thought fall school would be a real easy thing. I found out really fast that I was mistaken! I always did better in Summer School, as I didn't have to remember too far back what I had learned. I could study, know the answers, and get in a test and my mind would shut down! Oh well, recall was the hardest part of school, and it is the only way you are judged. I made horrible grades, and am sorry I didn't get some help in study habits, and retaining what I learned.

I have followed the Horns on the football field for low these many years. I came to UT with sense of pride, as my parents had moved from Midland, Texas to New York City~ I know, they moved, remember what I said! I stayed in Texas, at least mentally. I got to the University of Texas via Colorado College, in Colorado Springs. I was lucky to end up in Austin, in 1956. I found my life long home.

When we have had lean years (I would say 1-9 is pretty lean.. that happened my first fall in Memorial Stadium.) Enough to make you wonder! But mostly, the Longhorns have been winners. I have been lucky enough to be in the stadium every one of the years in between. This year, because of Breast Cancer treatments, I am listening to Craig and Keith on the radio, and watching our games on TV. It has been a hard season, not only for the Longhorns!!!! We will all survive!!!

We are having a really bad year this year. I know it will pass and I know they will right the ship. Don't lose faith in the Longhorns... you will see a better attitude, and a better effort because of this year. I know, we need the bad to appreciate the good. That is the way it is in life. Believe me, I know.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Guess Who Came to Visit? Breast Cancer

Yes, May 21, 2010 was the day I found the tumor and the journey began. June was spent in Dr.'s offices, having tests and biopsies, and bad news.

June 30, we went to Seton Hospital, and a double mastectomy. I opted for that, as I didn't want to go through the operation again, and all the Chemo that followed. Pretty tough for someone in their mid seventies. But, we made it.

Chemo began 3 weeks later, July 21st. OMG, that big treatment (4 of them) is a tough one. There are things that happen to your body you never thought would .. and although it is a white cell grabber, you do get back to a decent level before the next treatment. (3 weeks apart) My first treatment my cell count a week later was .5. I felt as if someone had beaten me up and left me to walk home! The second treatment it went down to .6 and believe me, I thought it was much higher.

First treatment was rough. The second one so far has been a lot easier. I am going in Wednesday for my 3rd, and it may sound weird, but I am looking forward to it.

It kills cancer cells. Yes, it kills some good ones too, but at least a healthy body can regenerate those cells. The day after the injections you get a shot to help build white cells. Mine went from .5 to 10.8 before second Chemo. I will find out Wednesday what they are this round.

Although it is a mean 3 months, it gets better they say. My next round will be once a week, for 12 weeks, then Radiation. Long way to go, but I just like to think about today. Although weak, I do feel pretty good. Have an appetite, and that is good. Protein is good for getting back your strength.

I have a hard time with the 60 oz of liquid a day. I try, but ...

I have had a little problem with the stitch area on the right side, and have been on antibiotics for 10 days and am back on them again for another 5. You see, with no immune system, you don't want to get an infection.. I stay home most of the time. Went out to a store and had some fun after my first treatment, but it is scary, and not worth it!!!

Well, I am nearly 1/2 way through the first rounds, and am determined to beat this nasty disease. I will give it all I have, and there has been a lot of help. Prayers, cards, emails, and just a lot of great help. I could never thank my son for all he has done. He has been there every day since this all began. What a lucky mom, to have someone who does so much. Thanks John, you are the best.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jake WINS first outing with Orioles!!!

Granddaughter Brittany's husband.....Way to go Jake!!!

Arrieta victorious in Major League debut

By Noah Rosenstein /

06/10/10 9:58 PM ET

BALTIMORE -- In the Major League debut of highly touted right-hander Jake Arrieta, the Orioles put together their best effort in weeks and came out with a 4-3 win over the Yankees in front of 27,064 at Camden Yards.

Arrieta pitched a 1-2-3 inning to begin his career, which apparently ignited the O's offense. In the bottom of the first inning, they scored two runs on a sacrifice fly by first baseman Ty Wigginton and a single by center fielder Adam Jones. They got help from Yankees starter A.J. Burnett, who hit two batters and threw a wild pitch that allowed runners to advance to second and third before Wigginton's sacrifice.

Arrieta got his first Major League strikeout in the second inning, but he also gave up his first hits and first run. Second baseman Robinson Cano ripped a one-out double down the right-field line and, after Jorge Posada went down swinging, Curtis Granderson smacked an RBI triple to the same corner.

After Arrieta issed his first walk as a big leaguer, Derek Jeter made him pay with an RBI double to left field. Catcher Matt Wieters almost got Chad Moeller at the plate, but the run stood and Jeter went to third on the throw. Nick Swisher lofted a 2-0 fastball to the warning track in center field, scoring Jeter and giving Arrieta his first deficit. Second baseman Scott Moore tied the score in the fifth with his first homer of the year, a 394-foot shot to right-center field.

Arrieta worked himself in and out of his worst jam of the game in the sixth inning. He gave up a leadoff double to Jeter and intentionally walked Cano and Granderson. With the bases loaded and two outs, he fanned Marcus Thames and drew a roar from crowd.

It seemed the O's hitters found new life every time Arrieta turned in an impressive inning. They followed his bases-loaded strikeout with a go-ahead run in the bottom of the sixth. Luke Scott tripled on a fly ball to the warning track in right field that Swisher barely missed. Jones made it a 4-3 game on a double to the right-center gap, putting Arrieta in line for the win.

Noah Rosenstein is an associate reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We are trying to help John get to his goal to help the Children's Hopsital. PLease read below, and go to the link. Even if you can only donate a few dollars, please help with this noble cause! Thanks so much!! ATF

From John:

Thanks to my friends and supporters, I've already raised $825 toward my goal of $3500 for The Children's Hospital Courage Classic. We have only 70 days left!

A few weeks ago, I sent out an email to tell you that I will be riding between 150 and 210 miles in The Children's Hospital Courage Classic in July. But that's nothing compared to the challenges many of the children will or has faced. See my page for the Courage Classic

A friend of mine told me that they were not going to be able to donate this year because they did not have enough money. Maybe you feel the same way? Let me try to break this down in a simple way. The amount I am trying to raise this year has nothing to do with how much you give. It is true that I have an aggressive goal but that does not mean that you have to give hundreds of dollars.

If every person I knew was able to give $5 dollars, we would be able to reach my goal. I say "we" because when you give, you become part of what makes a difference. The reality is amount is too small. Not to give anything is too big. $5 dollars is giving up a Starbucks fancy coffee, Some can give more; if you can, please help me. If you can only spare a little, your sacrifice will not go unnoticed. A young child receiving help will be in part because of you.

This is the link to my page:
If you don’t want to give online, you can use this form to submit a donation:

I need your help to reach my goal. You can check out my Courage Classic Rider page to see why this ride means so much to me. The Courage Classic starts July 31. I'll be riding 157-210 miles through Summit and Eagle Counties, including climbing Vail and Fremont Passes.

Your support will help me climb those hills and push through the muscle burn that goes along with it. But more importantly, it will help the parents and children whose lives are touched by The Children's Hospital

Thanks again for your consideration,


Sunday, April 04, 2010

Jay at the Museum

When he was in the Marines. 1943

He had an interview and it is in the Museum in Fredricksburg, TX. We are proud of our veterans. All of them! God Bless them.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Just about the time I thought we were going to have to wait until November 2010 for some SLOW DOWN of Democrat agenda, lo and behold... a miracle happened. Our neighbors to the East did something most Americans had only hoped for. ELECTED a vote that will stop the train wreck in Washington.

In November we all need to take a look at who is representing us. R and D . It has very little to do with party, more, ideals.

We have had our Tea Parties, and our letters to congress, and they have turned not only a deaf ear, but their backs. What the voters want seems unimportant. WELL, we better put on our seat belts, cause REAL CHANGE is about to be ....

HOPE? Yes, I hope we don't get any more stuffed down our throats by that bunch on the other side.

Come on Americans, let's fight for our country. Massachusetts started it. LET's

Saturday, December 19, 2009


How disgusting. Ben Nelson is such a farce. Holding out on the vote to get money. Mary Landrieu did it for Louisiana, why not? Our Legislatures are a joke. Our country needs a reform alright, not health care, but Senator and Congress care.

I am going to get everyone I know who loves America to vote incumbents that voted for this Health Care Bill OUT. I am sick and tired of the Democrats shoving it down our throats. They were not elected to become dictators. Where is W ... he wasn't so bad, was he? At least he loves his country, and doesn't want to ruin America.

Perhaps you will rethink your vote if you voted, and will get out and vote if you stayed home to "protest". We need to take our country back at the POLLS. I cannot wait for 2010 Elections. This is scary.

Get your thinking caps on, and let's work to save America. This means you~~

Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22

Thinking about that horrible day in Dallas.. John F Kennedy was killed, and LBJ became President.



We have been waiting for the Iraqi Dinar to RV and I know there are a lot of others that are waiting also. IQD symbol. If you look on the left, I have added a currency converter so you can follow you favorite currency right here!

I have been watching the Viet Nam currency also VND is the symbol. There is so much going on with these countries, we may be in for a bit of a wait. Some have held the Dinar for over 5 years. I have had them for about 5 months. We have had some fun getting on different forums, and seeing all the chatter about the Revalue. I am not good at hunting for news, so I have to rely on the smart ones!!!

We have been quite excited about the end of this coming soon..that is what we keep hearing. One forum says one thing, and the others steal the informaiton, for the most part, and call it their own. I think it is nice to go to different forums, and just chat with the nice people, who, along with me, are waiting....

Perhaps by the time I hit enter on this post, it will have RVed.. I don't think so, but it could happen "tonight"... We remain optimistic and know one day we can go to the bank, retrieve our Dinars, and cash in. Will be fun to help a lot of friends that need help.

Heard the Viet Nam Currency will, perhaps, RV at the same time. That would be fun!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I don't believe myself...can't believe it has been since July since I last wrote on this non-read little blog. I write, read and edit it. Not too many visitors.

I have been pretty involved with the Iragi Dinar ... their currency. We have bought a few to watch and have fun with. There are so many sites that have forums, I guess it is a pretty big deal!

There isn't much else going on. I will try to update this page when something wonderful happens. Well, even if it doesn't!