How disgusting. Ben Nelson is such a farce. Holding out on the vote to get money. Mary Landrieu did it for Louisiana, why not? Our Legislatures are a joke. Our country needs a reform alright, not health care, but Senator and Congress care.
I am going to get everyone I know who loves America to vote incumbents that voted for this Health Care Bill OUT. I am sick and tired of the Democrats shoving it down our throats. They were not elected to become dictators. Where is W ... he wasn't so bad, was he? At least he loves his country, and doesn't want to ruin America.
Perhaps you will rethink your vote if you voted, and will get out and vote if you stayed home to "protest". We need to take our country back at the POLLS. I cannot wait for 2010 Elections. This is scary.
Get your thinking caps on, and let's work to save America. This means you~~