We have been waiting for the Iraqi Dinar to RV and I know there are a lot of others that are waiting also. IQD symbol. If you look on the left, I have added a currency converter so you can follow you favorite currency right here!
I have been watching the Viet Nam currency also VND is the symbol. There is so much going on with these countries, we may be in for a bit of a wait. Some have held the Dinar for over 5 years. I have had them for about 5 months. We have had some fun getting on different forums, and seeing all the chatter about the Revalue. I am not good at hunting for news, so I have to rely on the smart ones!!!
We have been quite excited about the end of this coming soon..that is what we keep hearing. One forum says one thing, and the others steal the informaiton, for the most part, and call it their own. I think it is nice to go to different forums, and just chat with the nice people, who, along with me, are waiting....
Perhaps by the time I hit enter on this post, it will have RVed.. I don't think so, but it could happen "tonight"... We remain optimistic and know one day we can go to the bank, retrieve our Dinars, and cash in. Will be fun to help a lot of friends that need help.
Heard the Viet Nam Currency will, perhaps, RV at the same time. That would be fun!