Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Construction at Crystal Beach, TX

Hopefully, very soon, our 3 Martin Houses will be up and installed so when all the Martins fly back to Crystal Beach, TX they will find a home. We probably had a million birds that depended on our houses for raising their babies, and enjoying the beach until about July 4th when all the firecrackers and explosions would chase about half away. I hope others will put a house up for their little Martins.

I have put one group of Gourd houses in Austin, and so far...just yard birds are trying to enter!!!! Time for humming birds also. I guess Spring is just around the corner.

I have to travel to beach one day soon. I know the house is gone, I have seen pictures of the lot with newly put sand, to smooth and fill the horrible holes left from water and wind damage. I know it is gone, but seeing it will certainly put a knot in the pit of our stomachs. We haven't had the strength to do that yet. At least I haven't. But we finally heard from Gloria. I am glad she called. We have worried about her. Her house damaged, and no real insurance. Wish there was a better way for Fema to operate. Alice has the same problem. dern

To build again??? That is the big question. Will it ever be somewhat like it was down there? That is the next big question. Well, at least we will have some activity in the new "hotels" we have installed. I believe they will find it.

Peanut Butter RECALL

There is a link on the sidebar to check out what is on the list. Actually, I haven't eaten ANY Peanut butter since the scrare began! Check it out and send it to others! I love peanut butter. boo hoo I have a huge Jiff Peanut Butter on my shelf. Can't find Jiff on list. hmmmmm