Unless you are from Texas, and then interested in history, you could get up in the morning and go to bed tonight without giving the Alamo a thought. Today, the seige that lasted 13 days was over. The battle had lasted from February 23rd and until the last man killed on March 6, was a battle to shape the history of Texas forever. The spirit that came out of that slaughter of every fighter awakened a dedication that would be hard to match.
Have you heard of "Remember the Alamo?" That was the battle cry that echoed from the lips of every Texican and all the volunteers that fought for Texas' Independence. Of course, we celebrated that March 2, (Texas Independence Day) and for some reason, the battles of the Alamo and San Jacinto (April 21, 1836) are sometimes overlooked. News doesn't mention it. It was stopped on the University of Texas campus, at the beginning of "Political Correctness"...never mind that it is history. Nowadays, we just rewrite history if we don't like it.
I love Texas, and Texas history. The men and women that fought for our state would never have said "oh, let's just bring the troops home"...thank God we didn't have some of the people we have now, running that war. Se habla Espanol?
Enough of my opinion..Go to this website and read the story, if you don't know it. If you do know it and have just forgotten some of the events, read it. And if you know everything there is to know about hat's off to you!
Remember the Alamo..........
Battle of San Jacinto..........
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