What a wonderful 2 days we just spent in San Antonio, Texas at Lackland Air Force Base. Geoff graduated from Basic, and it was such a blessed day.
We arrived Thursday morning to watch the run. We lined up on the street that they would be coming past, and waited. It was pretty chilly, but we didn't have to wait long. They ran past us and although I do know my Grandson, it was like looking at a bag of blackeyed peas. THEY ALL LOOKED ALIKE!!!! I didn't see him pass, and I was looking!!!!! He saw his mom, and that was the important thing. I know he was excited to see her after 6 and a half weeks (he left Austin the night of December 19th)
He probably would have cried if he hadn't been surrounded by 891 others. That is the number that graduated February 2, 2007. Again, we marvel at the wonderful young men and women that volunteer in today's services.
We couldn't see him until after retreat.
Let me tell you, retreat is a ceremony that goes on each day. They lower the flag, and fold it for the next day's raising. We sang the Star Spangled Banner, and it was very, very moving. He was supposed to be in the frist group left . We took pictures and searched every face, to see if someone could find him. When the ceremony was over, the parents (or whom ever came to be with the airman, go up and tap their son or daughter on the shoulder, and he can relax, get out of attention, and leave the formation. Well..of course...he was in the second group. They had switched him and he had not told us!!! That is ok. We have lovely pictures of someone's sons. No matter where you are on the base, you stop what you are doing, and pay respect to the flag either by a salute or your hand over your heart. That was soo great. Later that evening, we heard taps in our hotel. The base was right across the road, and you could hear it as if you were right there.
After we met up, he wanted to go EAT. We started walking down toward the restaurant, and I asked him where it was...he said "on the other side of the bridge"...I nearly fainted...(well, not really) The bridge was probably a half mile away, and the place we were going was probably another quarter mile from the bridge. He is 23, and our party consisted of his mom and 2 Grandmothers and Pawpaw. 2 are 84, one is 72. Now I ask you...doesn't riding in a car to the closest spot make more sense than spending 2 days traveling by foot????? We rode over, and parked, walked to the Mall with the food , and he got his pizza. Whew!
We said goodbye to him when we had to drop him off, and headed for a restaurant for some real food.
Next morning we got up early enough to be at the bus pick up at 7:30. It was cold..I had a pretty light jacket, but a good warm hunting jacket back in the car. I left everyone, and headed back to the parking lot. I switched the jackets, and felt a bit better. It was 45 degrees with a bitter wind. Yikes...shades of South Carolina 5 years before, when Greg (my other Grandson) graduated from Army Basic training. We nearly froze. But, feel sorrier for the young men that were shaking facing us dressed in their camos. I don't know how they did it. Lips were a bit blue!!! (It had been nearly 70 the day before) We have sudden changes in Texas!!!!!
He marched by us, and we did finally pick him out! Debbie got some wonderful pictures. We had a very nice day. The oath was taken, and the graduation was over.
Geoff had off base time, so we got to visit with him yesterday and today. His brother called from Italy (the Army man) and wished him well. How fine is it to have 2 Grandsons in the military? MY daughter figured this out...We have all the services covered by Grandparents. Marines, Air Force, Navy and Army.
Congratulations to Geoff. We love you. You look wonderful!!!!!!! God Bless you!
Great looking grandson, Nancy. I know your proud of Airman Young. Love Ya, Bill
He looks great!! I wish we could have been there with you guys.
Love ya,
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