Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Yesterday, Annette and I drove from Austin to the beach. We will go to her annual breakfast at 10 this morning. I have been up since 5:30..It is beautiful here in the mornings. The sky was dark with a line of orange (burnt orange, I might add) strip just above the water line. The gulf is calm today, and the temperature is somewhere between cold and colder. (38 to be exact)
When you look out and see such a beautiful start to the day, you cannot help but be positive. I look out in the summer and I see the same sky, but in the winter, it seems brighter and more beautiful. I am sure if I were outside right now, I would be shivering, and my coffee would be all over the place. Thank God for warm homes.
After the breakfast we will drive a few miles to Louisiana .. too bad Texas won't let us pull slot machines ...would be closer to home, and a lot of money for the Texas economy. I think it would be something that we could enjoy! (probably not as much as now, because the travel is half the fun)
We hope to come home with jingling pockets. Actually, I always take a deposit slip with me, as you never know when the big one will come your way. (if I can live that long)
Off to breakfast and!


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