Now there are two.
Yesterday at 6:00 P.M. I dropped Grandson, Geoff off at the Air Force recruiting office. Wow! He has an exciting 6 years ahead of him. I think he is going into the service with a happy heart. He has seen the support that Gregory has gotten from all, and I think he is looking forward to some positive feedback from family and friends. He was the only one leaving from Austin, yesterday, so he bussed to San Antonio alone! Probably with a little trepidation in his heart! Excitment, and anticipation...all those things that we cannot control inside our throbing hearts.
He has waited since March for the AF to find him a job. They have "job drops" every so often (I don't know how often) and the jobs that come with that drop are your choices. Finally, he got a call 5 days ago...YOU are going on December 19th, and here is the job. He sure got busy and did all the (well, most, as I will discuss later in this post) necessary things to leave.....
We left for the drug store to get a "few"things. 5:00 traffic in Austin is about as good as anywhere I have ever been...too many cars, too little road! It took us from 4:45 to 5:10 to get to the drug store on Burnet Road. He shopped for a few things... soap, toothpaste, shaving cream, soap for clothes...notebook, prepaid calling card, deodorant, and a few other miscellaneous necessaries. He couldn't find any flip flops for shower, but called the recruiting office, and found he could get them at PX on base. Lackland Air Force Base, is on the South side of San Antonio. The closest I have ever been to it, was playing golf, and we could hear the plane's roar. February 2, 2007 we will be watching him Graduate from Basic.
When I dropped him off, I told the recruiting sargent that this would be like having a baby. His life would never be the same ....(in a positive way) .. The recruiter said he joined the AF not knowing anything...and here it is 19 years later. So, perhaps there will be a future after the 6 years for Geoff.
He scored a 98% on the test. He is special. I hope the AF knows that. Even more important, I hope Airman Geoffrey Young thinks the Air Force is the greatest!!!!!!!
God love you, Geoff...you make us so very proud. Keep your spirits high, and your life going down the right paths. Foolish as it sounds..this is the first day of the rest of your life...A brand new life.
God Bless America....God Bless our troops! God Bless President Bush.
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