Sunday, August 26, 2007

Las Vegas and TEXAS Football!!!!

In about 10 days, I am going to make my first visit to Las Vegas. I am really looking forward to that trip. We will have a few meetings and things to do, but I am sure we can find a minute or two for a slot machine workout. I have heard it is a great city to see at night. We will go out to eat on Friday evening with our TEAM.

Football starts in Austin next Saturday. I cannot believe it is already that time of year. We just fly by the seasons. I think this summer has been weird, as it has been cooler, and wetter than I can ever remember. We are so far ahead of our rainfall needs that it can not rain for a year, and we would be ok. (just kidding)

Son John has a birthday the 31st. I have already told him I would help buy something he wanted. I will get a card and say Happy Birthday with a check in it. That will be nice. He is a good son, and I am proud of both my chillens.

Debbie has just moved to an apartment in Plano, and is settling in. I guess the more we move, the less we would keep. I know I have too much stuff. So does she. She is giving a lot away to charity organizations, and they will be getting some good things, I am sure.

Not much else, just the heat. Tomorrow is Financial Club meeting in San Antonio. Wish they were closer. I don't like that trip alone. But..I am going to listen to a book going down, that will take some of the time.

Hook 'em Horns! Good luck to our Longhorns!


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