Birthdays, Beach and Wedding
This is a busy month. Greg is going to be a year older on the 21st, and although he is in Afghanistan, I think he will have a nice birthday...or there abouts..because..GregIII is due any time after the 20th. I hope he is born on his daddy's birthday, as it will be easy to, I think it would be nice for GregII. So, Happy Birthday to Greg, and happy birthday for Holly! I hope it is an easy birth, and all goes FAST and WELL.
Holly has been calling quite a bit to let us know how she is doing. I think being in Italy is a challenge for her, but yet, it makes her very strong, since there really isn't anyone to lean on right now. She has Greg on the phone from time to time..but that is hardly enough!!!!!
Greg seems to be enjoying his Medical training and work. He is buying books to study. That is good. He will be alot better when he has about 2 more years experience!!!!! I think that is a great thing he is doing. He was in the 82nd Airborne when he started....I couldn't jump out of a window, much less an airplane...flying high...! God Bless them, they do a great job learning to do that. Then, he decided to be a Medic. That is the best he can do for his fellow soldiers.
I have adopted 4 of his platoon members..send boxes and letters. I am sure they would rather hear from someone their own age, but they are stuck with me. I think they are to be admired, also. I hope to get a picture of them soon, so I can put a face with the letters and packages!!!!!
The post office has the 9 dollar package...I spent a ton of money sending boxes to Iraq when Greg was there. This is really nice, as you can pack anything and weight, into the box, and it is $9 ... Very good for sending to APO.
Everyone is praying for our soldiers. God Bless America.
Later this month we will go back to beach, and attend our Nephew's marriage. It will be 2 days of fun, I am sure. They have dated a long time.
Today is dark and looks like rain again. Yikes....Texas won't be in a drought for at least 3 more months..We are getting everyone's rain. Beach is in for more too, and that means more flooding!
The weather is is Saturday, and I am going to read!
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