June 21st is the first day of Summer. For a gift, the rain gods gave us another spooky storm. Thunder, rain in sheets and lightening. Now, I ask you...does that sound like Summer? I have never seen rain like this in Austin. EVER! I have been here 50 years this June, and NEVER!
We are watching the College World Series. Our favorite team, UC Irvine was eliminated last night. We were sad, as they had beaten us, and we were hoping they could go all the way. Oregon is going to be hard to beat...NC looks great. They are handing Rice all they want right now, as I write.
Holly and I have been talking a lot, and I am going to be a Great Grandma here, in about 5-8 weeks. That is going, to be such fun. They already know it will be a boy and have already picked out a name. Gregory W Young III. He will be a good kiddo, I know. They tried so hard to have him, and now that he is nearly born, they are getting very nervous. That is good. Some people just have children, and don't worry about anything. They will be very good parents. He will be born in Italy...and have dual citizenship. He will be a lucky kid.
Holly gave us some names of single soldiers in Greg's outfit. We are sending letters and packages. It is so much fun to do, and it makes you feel you are helping some soldier have a minute of "fun"... The post office has boxes (not really very big, but adequate) that cost $8.95 to matter how heavy. I can remember sending Greg packages in Iraq that cost 70 and 80 dollars. This way, you can send a lot more packages and I was told the smaller ones get there quicker. I think they get mail once a week, and packages 2x a month. That is a lot better than WWII...sometimes Jay said it was 6 to 8 weeks for a letter to arrive at either end! No Internet, and no telephone. It is bad enough now, so I cannot imagine how horrible it was then. War is hell, and I hope that our missions are taken care of and our men can come home soon. They have to stay until it is safe for them to leave .. Afghanistan is not in the news as much as Iraq, but they are doing good things there, also.
With that I will say
God Bless America.
God Bless our troops.
God Bless our President.
With that I will say
God Bless America.
God Bless our troops.
God Bless our President.
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