I just got off my Grandson Greg’s blog. Bless the troops this Thanksgiving. Think about what a young man, married, could be sharing with his family today. There are many who will be eating a pretty good meal … But nothing takes the place of being with people you love. Or just being home.
Greg has grown up so much since he entered the Army after 9-11. He has served in Kuwait, Iraq and twice in Qatar (“Cutter”). (That is where Tommy Franks used to hold his news conferences about the war on terror) He has missed wedding anniversaries, Christmas, Thanksgiving and birthdays. That in itself is a true sacrifice.
He has gotten married to a really wonderful woman since he left his home in Plano, Texas. He is deciding his future, and has picked the medical field. He will be studying down in San Antonio, when he returns from this deployment. Isn’t that just wonderful that he and the Army came to an agreement on his assignment and his field? I know he is happy.
If anyone enters the service, be sure to pick what you really want, not what they want for you. You will be happier, as is Greg, now. YOU could save a lot of stress and fighting to pick the one you will be in for the duration, FIRST. (that is if you have any idea of what you want to do!!!)
Well, I wanted to write a little tribute to Greg today. He is a big part of my blessings. I have been so blest with so many things, and he is right up there at the top of my thanks. Along with my children and my husband. I am so proud of Greg. Can you tell?
Today is Thanksgiving, and I hope who ever reads this will stop a minute and think of all we have, and all we will have…thanks to the service men and women of America. Starting for me, with my husband in WWII, and going through and beyond Greg.
Thanks Greg…Love you !!!! Hooah!
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